Surgeon General Blames Lack of Marijuana Research on Schedule I Status

The Surgeon General blames the lack of research on marijuana for its Schedule I status. However, there is more to this argument than just the lack of research. According to Dr. Mark Rosenfeld, CEO of ANANDA Scientific, the substance could have a variety of medicinal benefits, while also being highly cost-effective. Cannabis’ medicinal uses have roots in 1960s Israel, where scientists first studied its chemistry. Since that time, Israel has had a government program for administering medical marijuana. Israeli doctors have embraced its use as a pharmaceutical alternative.

The Surgeon General has not backed broader reform. He has not supported science-based harm reduction policies like syringe exchange programs, which would limit the spread of dangerous diseases. Still, Adams where to buy marijuana seeds in colorado has shown some flexibility in his thinking, including on marijuana’s medical benefits. Although he remains skeptical, Adams has a track record of using evidence-based research to inform his decisions.

Dr. Carson and his colleagues examined records of 108 pediatric epilepsy patients to see whether marijuana could help those children with epilepsy. The study used a compound from marijuana called cannabidiol (CBD). Some parents bought the oil from a medical marijuana dispensary, and their children benefited from it. This is the same substance used to treat epilepsy and anxiety.

According to the report, marijuana has a wide range of biological and psychological effects. Some of these effects are harmful to the brain and are potentially dangerous. The Public Health Service’s findings are backed up navigate to this site by two independent reviews and by the World Health Organization. These findings should encourage states to remove marijuana from the schedule 1 status. However, if there is no research, the government should still ban it.

The study also challenges the Mexican hypothesis, which holds that marijuana was first brought to the U.S. by Mexican immigrants and that the prohibition of marijuana was a racist attempt to criminalize immigrant workers. As a result, the Mexican hypothesis did not have strong support in early twentieth century U.S. society. It was a result of a number of factors. For example, immigration from Mexico led to the widespread use of marijuana among Mexican immigrants. Those immigrants had lower social and political status and, as a result, the law was passed to protect them.

The placement of marijuana in the Schedule I list was not random. Often, the first round of federal cannabis prohibition was caused by overt racism. The Marihuana Tax Act of 1937 limited possession to those who paid taxes, and only had limited industrial and medical uses. It was finally removed from the U.S. Pharmacopea in 1942. As a result, it has become a highly-restricted drug.

Surgeon General Blames Lack of Research on Marijuana on Schedule 1 Status

Cannabis dispensaries have been linked to decreased opioid related mortality rates. However, the association between recreational and medical cannabis stores and the reduction of deaths caused by opioids is inconsistent. The researchers looked at data from 812 counties across 23 U.S. states with legal cannabis dispensaries. They combined county-level data and state-level marijuana legislation. Findings were mixed, but it was clear that access to legal cannabis stores is related to lower opioid-related deaths.