7 of the Weirdest Condom Flavors That Actually Do Exist

There’s no way we can all eat bacon and like the taste of bacon flavored condoms, but that doesn’t mean they don’t exist. There are a number of flavored condoms available, from strawberry to vanilla, and some of the weirdest ones even have a name. But which one would you choose? Here are seven of the weirdest flavours that actually do exist.

Cannabis is the main ingredient in marijuana, which gives you the high. However, cannabis is fat-soluble, so a condom would have to be in a oil form in order for it to be effective. But since most condoms are made of latex, exposing them to oil would ruin the product. Thankfully, hemp-infused lubes are not meant to be used for contraception, so these are not legal.

There are also cannabis-flavored condoms available, although they’re not legal in many countries. These condoms are largely found overseas. In the Philippines, however, they’re popular because they taste like marijuana, and make the woman feel euphoric. Despite its strange name, you won’t find them in your local store, but you can buy them online.

If cannabis is legal in your country, why can’t condoms be? It’s not a bad idea to be a little different. Basically, there’s a legal reason for that. In the Netherlands, it’s illegal to sell cannabis-flavored condoms, but it doesn’t mean they’re illegal. Besides, they’re not actually cannabis. Unlike real marijuana, these products are completely harmless, and can’t harm anyone.

While cannabis-flavored condoms are legal in the Philippines, they aren’t legal anywhere else. They’re a novelty item, and may even inspire the sex industry to incorporate cannabis into their products. While weed can make sex more pleasurable, too much can make a person sleepy, or worse, prevents a male erection.

If you don’t mind the idea of using marijuana, you might not want to use cannabis-flavored condoms. But if you don’t mind the smell of cannabis, you can get high with a cannabis-flavored condom. Just make sure to check the packaging for warnings before you try it. A few people have reported that they’re not aware of the legality of this product.

Some of the more bizarre flavours of condoms include cannabis-infused ones. But they’re not as common as they sound. Some brands have tried to make the flavours more unique, by adding different ingredients. Some have even gone as far as introducing a whole new brand of marijuana-flavored condoms. It’s a curious and fun concept. If you’re looking for a more subtle option, consider trying a glycerin-infused condom.

In addition to a variety of marijuana-infused condoms, there are condoms that contain traces of cannabis. The company behind these products has been on the market for several years, and they’re not illegal. Whether or not these condoms are edible, the flavour isn’t the only thing that makes them interesting. If you’re into weed, it’s hard to resist, but condoms that smell like it are the next best thing.

For some, the idea of cannabis-infused condoms is too far out of the question. This particular flavour is made by a company called Cannadom, and it’s been on the market for a few years. The flavour best place to buy marijuana seeds is similar to marijuana, and they’re green to match the marijuana theme. The only thing is that the cannadom product contains THC, which is dangerous, so you should avoid buying them.

In September, Durex announced condoms that smelt like eggplant. The emoji supposedly inspired the creation of the flavour. The products were a hoax, but the idea was good for open discussion about safe sex. If you’re looking for something a little less bizarre, try an avocado-flavored one. This is a popular flavor in the U.S. but not the most exotic.